This is one of the key new requirements of this standard compared to previous safety standards such as 18001 and 4801.
Your organization has to establish a process(es) for the implementation and control of planned temporary and permanent changes that impact OH&S performance, including:
New products, services and processes, or changes to existing products, services and processes, including:
Workplace locations and surroundings;
Work organization;
Working conditions;
Work force.
Changes to legal requirements and other requirements; - how do you keep up to date with these changes – are you linked with national and state safety bodies?
Changes in knowledge or information about hazards and OH&S risks; - where do you get your knowledge and information from, industry associations, your networks, linked in groups ?
Developments in knowledge and technology; - how do you tap into these developments?
Your organization will review the consequences of unintended changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary.
NOTE: Changes can result in risks and opportunities, so you need to update your risk and opportunities register.
What is your change management process and does it address these requirements?
I have provided an example of a Change Management Procedure and an example of a Change Improvement Corrective Action Request Form.
Use these and customize to your company needs.
Very well explained.
Clever marketing Mr P.
Best regards,
Patrick Crook