Welcome to Jesrik Consulting.
This site's domain changed to Jesrik.com.au on July 29, 2024. Read more about Phil Potter and PKP's statement here.
Thank you for your continued trust and partnership.
Corey Evans
Principal Consultant
Organisations that have used Jesrik Cnsulting / PKP & Associates services and software have varying business needs. We are here to help make compliance as easy as possible for them.
Watch the testimonial videos below to see how we have helped organisations who were struggling with their compliance...
Bachy Soletanche Australia (BSA) is a specialist foundation company based in Sydney.
BSA specilaise in foundation engineering and have a commitment to providing a safe and quality service.
They need to meet four quality standards:
ISO 9001,
ISO 14001,
AS 4801 and
Office of the Federal Safety Commission (OFSC).
The Customer
The Solution
BSA Implemented Mango into their organisation in 2017, so have been using it for close to 2 years and are seeing enormous gains in efficiency.
Prior to using Mango, BSA relied on a paper based system which created a lot of pain and time constraints.
Once they realsied they were using their time and money on resources that were not necessary, they went looking for another way to do things, and came across Mango.